SVG Import Logo SVG Import Filter for OpenOffice 2.0

SVG Import


New Version 1.2.2 (2007-09-02)!

The converter from SVG to OpenDocument format that is provided here makes your OpenOffice 2.0 SVG-ready. The filter is implemented as an UNO component, which can be installed into your OpenOffice using the Tools / Package Manager menu. After you installed the filter, you can open SVG graphics with OpenOffice like all other graphics (e.g. *.odg files). During import, the SVG graphic is translated into OpenDocument graphics primitives that can be displayed and edited with OpenOffice Draw. This transformation uses services from the Apache Batik SVG engine.

The filter produces nearly perfect results for simple SVGs. However, color and transparency gradients are still problematic (due to deficiencies in the current implementation of OpenDocument). For a detailed discussion, which part of the SVG vocabulary is currently supported, please refer to the SVG Import Filter Wiki Home at This location is also the right place to discuss the most wanted but missing features and to report SVG documents that are not handled correctly.

Import benchmark

The benchmark image from can be imported using this filter and produces a nearly perfect rendering in Draw.

Screen shot of imported gearflowers.svg

The ODG converted image can be downloaded directly from here.

System requirements

To install the SVG import filter into your OpenOffice distribution, you need the following:

OpenOffice 2.0
Recommended is Version 2.0 or above. The filter is tested with version 2.0 and 2.0.1 on Linux and Windows XP. It will not work with OpenOffice versions 1.1.X or below.
Java 5.0 (commonly known as JDK/1.5 or JRE/1.5)

Your OpenOffice installation must use a Java 5.0 runtime environment. The filter will not work with Java versions 1.4.X or below. Before installing the filter, please check in the Tools/Options dialog the settings in the category, if a Java version 1.5.X is activated.

Please note: There have been problem reports with the latest Java build 1.5.0_06-b05 on Gentoo Linux. However, I cannot reproduce this problem on my own system. If you encounter a similar problem, please try to use an earlier Java build (1.5.0_03 is known to work well). For Details, please refer to the FAQ section.

For 2.3 and later, the SVG import filter version 1.2.2 or above is required.


  1. Download the latest version of the SVG import filter package (see below for a list of improvements and changes since previous versions):

    Download current version for 2.1 and above:
    This extension package contains the SVG filter component and the required configuration settings.
    Download old version for 2.0:
    This UNO package contains the SVG filter implementation as OpenOffice UNO component and the component configuration settings.
  2. If you already have a previous filter version installed, make sure to un-install it before upgrading!
  3. Install the package into your OpenOffice using the package manager. Open Tools/Package Manager and select My Packages from the dialog. Then click the Add button to install the downloaded file.
  4. If SVG images are still shown as text after installing the filter, please re-open the extension manager and check the status of the extension (whether the extension is activated or not). If the extension is not activated, select the svg-import.oxt and click the "activate" button. After activating the extension, again try to open an SVG image. This workaround seems to be necessary in versions 2.2 and below.

Batch processing utility svg2office

The latest release adds a batch-processing utility that is able to transform any SVG file into an OpenDocument ODG file without the need to have an installation on your machine. This utility is especially useful to transform a larger set of SVG files to ODG format.

Currently, the batch processing utility only has a command line interface. It is invoked in the following way:

java -jar svg2office-1.2.2.jar <some-file.svg>

To download the batch-processing utility, press the following button:

Version History

The following list summarizes new features in comparison to older versions of the filter:

Version 1.2.2, Revision 2703 (2007-09-02)
Version 1.2.1, Revision 2185 (2006-03-04)
Version 1.2.0, Revision 2131 (2005-12-29)
Version 1.1.0, Revision 2009 (2005-08-24)
Version 1.0.2, Revision 1974 (2005-08-16)
Easy installation in a single UNO package.
Version 1.0.1, Revision 1970 (2005-08-15)
Fixed problems:
Version 1.0.0, Revision 1961 (2005-08-15)
Initial public version.

License and Disclaimer

SVG Import for
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Bernhard Haumacher

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


This product includes software developed by The Apache Software Foundation, namely the Apache Batik SVG engine.

This software contains code from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for the Document Object Model API (DOM API) and SVG Document Type Definition (DTD).

This software contains code from the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO) for the definition of character entities used in the software's documentation.

This software contains code from the WTK Software Collection at for visiting and transforming generic XML DOM trees.

The documentation of this software contains images from the Open Clip Art Library edited with and rendered with the Apache Batik SVG Toolkit.

Source code and Support

If you have problems using the filter, want to report your favorite SVG files, which are not imported correctly, or want to have acces to the filter source code, then please go the the SVG Import Filter Wiki Home at There, you will find a technical discussion, what's currently supported, and what's not supported and why. A description, how to obtain the the filter sorce and how to build it your own, can also be found there. Since this site is a Wiki, you are invited to improve it!